CdA Events Calendar - Art & Music
Coeur d'Alene offers impressive arts, music & crafts!
CONCERTS | crafts | movies | fiber arts | games | theatre

North Idaho College Concerts
May 6 | 7:30-9:30 pm (T)
"Spring Choral Concert"
May 11 | TBA (Sun)
"Mother's Day Concert in the Park"
Coeur d'Alene City Park
415 W. Fort Grounds Dr., CdA
​The music department of North idaho College presents FREE concerts throughout the year at various times on its beautiful campus! Performances are open to the public for all to enjoy.
Unless otherwise noted, concerts take place at:
North Idaho College Boswell Hall
880 W. Garden Ave., CdA
Questions? Contact NIC's Music Dept. at 208-769-3276 or email kgmiles@nic.edu.
Varies - Free!

Chess Players' Strategy
​Tuesday (1st) | 3-5 pm
32575 N. 5th Ave., Spirit Lake
Call to register, 208-623-5353. For adults to play chess with other advanced players. Beginners meet at 1 pm to learn basics on the 1st Tuesday of every month.
Every Tuesday | 3:30-5 pm
107 Main St., Pinehurst
All ages are welcome to participate in this growing group of chess players on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Take your own chess set to share in a friendly match. Chess Club is FREE of charge!
Mondays | 6-8 pm
meets at McDonald's Restaurant
1325 W. Riverstone Drive, CdA
CDA Chess Club is open to anyone who loves chess, w/no membership fee required! The club meets on Mondays. Players of all ages & skill levels (beginners to those registered as masters) are welcome to join.
The beginners' club for ages 12 years & under, meets on Thursdays, 6 pm, at Burger King, 2926 E Mullan Ave, Post Falls. Tournaments with the Idaho Chess Association are also held.
At meetings, skill levels are determined so structured pairings can take place. Everyone gets a chance to play & meet others in the club. RSVPs are requested for planning purposes. For more info, email info.cdachess@gmail.com, or leave a messg/text at 208-274-5242.
Varies - Free!

Music Conservatory
627 N. Government Way, CdA
Look for professional & exemplary performing artists to entertain in this beautifully-restored "Hamilton House", now serving as the music conservatory. Tickets are required for some concerts & recitals; others are FREE of charge (be sure to take in a "Lunch & Learn" with a featured speaker). Check schedules HERE.
The conservatory is a music school - a place for future musicians to train under an organized program utilizing collaboration; thus sharing teachers, programs, concerts, venues, events & more. At various times, no-cost workshops & open houses are held.
"if we are to hope for a society of culturally literate people, music must be a vital part of our children's education." --Yo-Yo Ma
Varies - Free!

Open Mic Night at Emerge
Thursday (3rd) | 7-9 pm (Th)
119 N. 2nd St., CdA​
Show off what you've been working on at these informal "open mic nights" held every 3rd Thursday. Perform a song, poem, or just hang out for the vibes.
What is Emerge? Here's the mission statement: "Emerge is a collective art experience engaging all members of the community in a variety of high quality creative outlets, while offering a platform for emerging artists to cultivate their careers as professionals."
3rd Thursday - Free!

Post Falls Market Concerts
RIVER CITY MARKET & MUSIC, sponsored by the City of Post Falls, celebrates its 4th year with a lineup of music performers during its six-week outdoor market. Enjoy live music & 40+ vendors each Wednesday from July 16-Aug 20 at Landings Park, 305 W. 4th St., Post Falls.
Outdoor farmers' market hours are 5-8 pm; live bands from 6-8 pm. It's a FREE community event & all are welcome!
Here's the artist lineup:
July 16 - Royale (multi-genre)
July 23 - Last Chance Band (country rock)
July 30 - The Spins (multi-genre)
Aug 6 - Nu Jack City (soul r&b)
Aug 13 - Paeton Rae (country)
Aug 20 - Rhythm Dawgs (dance band)​
Varies - Free!

Ministries & Movies at Kroc
Friday (3rd) | 10:30 am (F)
"Men's Dinner & a Movie"
1765 W. Golf Course Rd., CdA
Men of the community are invited for FREE dinner & a movie every 3rd Friday at Salvation Army Kroc Center's Community Rooms (east end). No Kroc or church membership is needed. Build connections & have fun. For ages 14+.​​​​
Click HERE to learn more about mid-week discipleship activities & Bible studies for men, women & young adults. Also Sunday church services, "Appleseeds Children's MInistry", prayer requests, youth ministry, worship resources/livestream & more.
Varies - Free!

Community Drum Circle
Wednesday (4th) | 6:30-8:30 pm (W)
"Community Drum Circle"
4465 N. 15th St., CdA
Led by Todd Neel, host musician, this group of drummers gathers each month on the 4th Wednesday to connect through the power & rhythm of music. All ages are welcome, including children w/adult participation or supervision. Take your own drum, or borrow one. It's a FREE event; however donations are welcome.
4th Wednesday - Free!

Quilting to
Benefit Others
Tuesday (2nd) | 1-3 pm
Human Rights Education Institute
414 W. Fort Grounds Dr., Coeur d'Alene
North Idaho Quilters "Community Service" group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month (except July & December) to work on quilts to benefit the community. The
public is invited to help assemble & tie quilts. Donations of fabric, quilt blocks, quilt tops, & finished quilts are always appreciated. FREE parking; obtain upon arrival.
Every Wednesday | 9:45 am-noon
St. George's Catholic Church (Parish Hall)
2010 N. Lucas St., Post Falls
Peace Makers Quilting meets every Wednesday morning to design/create quilts to donate to assisted living homes, hospice & others in need, as well as gifting Baptismal quilts. No special skills or tools are needed & all are welcome to help. Questions? Contact Lori Goldsmith, 509-675-1948.
Varies - Free!

"Quilts of Valor" Work Day
Monday (3rd) | 10 am-4 pm (M)
1138 E. Poleline, Post Falls
Patriotic Piecers meet the 3rd Monday of each month at American Legion Post 143 to work on quilts (sew, un-sew, iron, cut, sponsor, piece, bind or quilt).
All quilters are invited to take their sewing machines & fabrics to help create "Quilts of Valor" for deserving veterans who have served & sacrificed to protect our freedom. For more info on "Q of V", or to request a quilt for a veteran, www.qovf.org
Questions? Contact Karen Henriksen at henriksensk@gmail.com or call 208-964-1128.
3rd Monday - Free!

Theater & Lectures
​​April 9 | 5:30 pm (W)
"History Hour with Cat House & Billy Cooter"
702 E. Front Ave., CdA
​Fire Lookouts will discuss history of fire lookout structures & how the group works to preserve them. Sponsored by Museum of North Idaho, lectures are FREE & open to the public!
May 14 | 5:30 pm (W)
"History Hour with Don Pischner"
702 E. Front Ave., CdA
Presented by third-generation Idahoan Don Pischner, stories of the Halsey Brothers will be featured, along with history, politics, characters & events of an early time in North Idaho. Lectures are sponsored by Museum of North Idaho FREE of charge!
Varies - Free!

Common Ground Gospel Choir
Every Monday | 5-6 pm
Sun City Church
5073 E. 16th Ave., Post Falls​
Journey into the heart of gospel music! Celebrate faith & embrace God's Spirit through song by joining this gospel choir, directed by award-winning vocal coach/choir director, Dan Hegelund. Shower singers as well as seasoned voices are welcome - teens & adults. Participation is FREE & occurs every Monday evening.
Every rehearsal will be a chance to experience healing & inspiration through various vibes in the style of Kirk Franklin. Click HERE to learn more & view concert schedule.
Every Monday - Free!

Jam With Ukulele Players
Saturdays (1st & 3rd) | 10 am-noon
Oak Crest Clubhouse
1859 W. Marlboro Ave., CdA​​
Gather to jam on Saturday mornings for Fall, Winter & Spring months. All instruments & their players are invited.
Saturday (2nd) | 3-4:30 pm
702 E. Front Ave., CdA
FREE beginner-level ukulele lessons are taught. At this time, please take your own instrument.
Ukulele Club of CdA is a friendly group welcoming all for lessons, jams, or simply sharing the joy of playing the uke.
Saturdays - Free!

Downtown CdA "ArtWalk"
April 11 | 5-8 pm (F)
Stroll the sidewalks of CdA, drop into art studios & other businesses. Sample wine; appetizers along the way. Hear local musician singer/songwriters & see artists' demonstrations.
This is a relaxing evening for the whole family on the 2nd Friday of each month.
See COEUR D'ALENE ARTS & CULTURE ALLIANCE website for maps & schedules.
2nd Friday - Free!

Coffee & Social Time
Every Tuesday | 11 am-noon
107 Main St., Pinehurst
Join the get-together every Tuesday for conversation & creativity over coffee. For ages 18+.
Monday (2nd) | 10-11 am
822 W. College Ave., St. Maries
Drop in for "Adult Coffee Time" on the 2nd Monday of each month.
Monday (3rd) | 10 am
822 W. College Ave., St. Maries
Registration is required for this artsy activity, so call 208-245-3732 to reserve a spot on the 3rd Monday of each month.
Varies - Free!

Sweet Adelines Sing Harmony
Every Monday | 6:30-8:30 pm
Community United Methodist Church
1470 W. Hanley Ave., CdA
Coeur d'Alene Chorus is a group of talented women of all ages who sing in 4-part barbershop-style harmony (a cappella).
Rehearsals are every Monday (Jan-Nov) at CUMC & are open to women who would like to listen, or become a member. (Ask about auditions). Music ranges from Broadway classics to popular songs - new & old.
Vocalists love to perform & participate in competitions. More info - 208-717-1332, email sweetadscda@gmail.com or see website HERE.
Every Monday - Free!

Koep Concerts in Our Parks
​Wednesdays | 5-8:30 pm (July-Aug)
420 E. Front Ave., CdA
​FREE concerts for all to enjoy! Coming up - details on music events in CdA City Park, McEuen Park, & Hayden.
Varies - Free!

Community Concerts/Dances
​​May 6 | 7 pm (T)
"Panhandle Symphony Spring Concert"
6101 N. Ramsey Rd., CdA
The orchestra, conducted by Tim Sandford, will present classical & contemporary favorites. FREE admission; doors open at 6:30 pm. ​
Varies - Free!

Fiber Arts Gatherings
Tuesdays (3rd & 4th) | 10 am-2 pm
"Blanchard Stitchers"
685 Rusho Lane, Blanchard
Take a lunch & stay awhile. Enjoy time with other enthusiasts on the 3rd & 4th Tuesdays of each month. Quilting projects too for those in need. (Note: $5 charge helps pay for rental of center.) Questions? Contact Penny Funkhouser at 206-799-8964.
Every Tuesday | 1-2:30 pm
"Drop-in Open Crafting"
16 W. Market St., Kellogg
Drop in every Tuesday with an artsy project to work on, or pick up ideas for felting, knitting, crochet, embroidery or cross-stitch. Refreshments & materials provided. Geared to ages 15+.
Every Tuesday | 1-3 pm
"The Yarn Connection"
Community Room #2 (River)
1765 W Golf Course Rd, Coeur d'Alene
Prefer working on fiber arts with others, or need some help? Every Tuesday at Kroc Center, do yarn projects (for personal or charity) with others, regardless of skill level. No Kroc membership is needed - it's a FREE gathering for ages 11+. More info HERE.​
Every Wednesday | 9:30-11:30 am
"Sit n' Sew Craft Group"
1470 W. Hanley Ave., CdA
Gather every Wednesday for sewing & crafting. Take your current project; enjoy fellowship & conversation. All are welcome!
Every Wednesday | noon-2 pm
"Blanket Ministry"
Room 112
1860 N. Cecil Rd., Post Falls
Become a volunteer - knitting, crocheting blankets for others in need (physically or emotional). All are welcome every Wednesday.
Every Wednesday | 1-2 pm
"Knit & Nosh"
111 Coeur d'Alene Ave., Harrison
All needle crafters are welcome - a FREE community activity! Gather every Wednesday.
Wednesday (3rd) | 6:30 pm
"Fiber Meetup"
283 Hubbard Ave., Ste. 102, CdA
(Hedlund Bldg., North Idaho College)
Meet w/others who share a passion for fiber creations - sewing, spinning, weaving, knitting, felting & more. Share ideas & have fun - all are welcome to work on projects & socialize.
Every Thursday | noon-3 pm
"Community Sew-In"
702 E. Front Ave., CdA
Take a current quilting project & socialize or gain advice/help while working. Take your own sewing machine (or hand work), fabric & extention cord to join group in the Community Room every Thursday.
Every Thursday | 2-4 pm
5525 E. Hwy 54, Athol (banquet room)
Every Thursday, crafters, knitters, spinners & crocheters meet to visit & create. Take a handiwork project, or get involved with group projects for the community such as lap blankets for veterans, chemo caps for cancer patients, & preemie hats for babies.
Coffee & tea are available; shareable snacks welcome. All levels of crafters are welcome. (Donations of yarn/materials are always welcome.)
Every Friday | 10-11:30 am
"Knitting for Warmth"
521 E. Lakeside Ave., CdA
An open, community knitting time for anyone who would like to create a prayer shaw (which is given as a gift of love, hope & comfort to someone who is critically ill or in crisis). More info HERE.
Every Friday | 1 pm
"Krafty Krafters"
1250 W Lancaster Rd., Post Falls
All ages are welcome. Gather every Friday to crochet, cross-stitch, knit or work on other craft. Socialize, share creative ideas & prepare items for November bazaar. Cost to participate: $1 for member; $2 non-member.​ The group donates hats, mittens/gloves, afghans & scarves to seniors & hospice. Donations of material or unfinished projects are appreciated.
Every Friday | 1-3 pm
"Knit Along"
16320 Hwy 41, Rathdrum
Open to all every Friday, take a yarn project & socialize. Master knitter will be available to assist.
Every Saturday | 1:30-3:30 pm
"The Tinkling Frog: A Yarn Social"
821 N. Spokane St., Post Falls
Hop in w/hooks & needles, knitters & crocheters, every Saturday to share stitch patterns, talk about techniques & show projects to other yarnists.
Every Saturday | 12:30-2 pm
"Stitching Magic"
30399 3rd St., Athol
Crafters of all abilities, even beginners, are welcome! Crochet materials are provided.
Saturday (2nd) | 11 am-2 pm (Jan, Feb, March)
"Beginning Crochet"
32575 N. 5th Ave, Spirit Lake
Learn basic crochet skills; yarn & hooks are provided. Choose to make a scarf, lap blanket, beanie or stuffed animal.
Varies - Free!

JACC Art Shows & Music
405 N. William St., Post Falls
Enjoy musical entertainment, classes, art activities, bridal fairs & more in the historical JACC bldg. dating back to the 1890s.
Opening receptions also, celebrating the works of local/regional artists, sculptors & photographers are open to the public with FREE admission!
Here are some special events:
ART EXHIBITS & SALES - "Strut Your Stuff" exhibit April 4-May 24, celebrating the 20th anniversary of JACC
COMMUNITY ART DAYS - April 8, May 6, June 10, July 8, Oct 7, Nov 11 & Dec 11 - FREE. All begin at 5 pm.
COMMUNITY CONCERTS - July 6 (Sun), 2:30 pm, "CDA Brass"; July 31 (Th), 7 pm, "Music Bridges Borders" - FREE
CELTIC JAMS - Tues (2nd), 5:30-7:30 pm, for musicians & listeners - FREE
BLUEGRASS JAMS - Wed (2nd & 4th), 5:30-7:30 pm, for musicians & listeners - FREE​
View details HERE.
Varies - Free!

Concert Series - Rathdrum
RATHDRUM SUMMER CONCERT SERIES presents open-to-the public & FREE performances July 11-Aug 9. Sponsored by Rathdrum Parks & Recreation, concerts will take place in Majestic Park Amphitheatre (MP), 5400 W. Majestic Ave., & downtown Rathdrum (DR) on Main Street Market evenings.
Here's the spectacular line-up featuring a variety of genres:
July 11 | 5:30-8 pm (F), DR
"Sammy Eubanks" - rock & roll, country & blues
July 18 | 6-9 pm (F), MP
"Nu Jack City" - Motown band
Kicks off Rathdrum Days celebrations.
July 25 | 5:30-8 pm (F), DR
"Soul Proprietor" - classic funk, soul & R&B
Aug 1 | 5:30-8 pm (F), DR
"Royale" - intense hip-shaking music from popular tunes, cinema & pop culture
Aug 9 | 6:30-9:30 pm (Sat), MP
"The Kelly Hughes Band" - premier country music entertainment. Performance will be part of "Taste of Rathdrum" special activities.
Varies - Free!

Coeurly Q's Square Dancing
COEURLY Q'S SQUARE DANCE CLUB holds dancing events from Oct - May in Modern Western Square Dancing style (squares of 8 dancers - usually 4 men & 4 women). Dancers form a "square" & dance in patterns as directed by a caller to music which can be rock, classical, pop or country.
Beginning mainstream dance lessons occur every Thursday evening from 6:30-8. Donation of $5 is appreciated. Dance lessons continue thru May at:
(enter from west side parking lot)
411 N. 15th St., CdA
On the last Saturday of each month (Oct-April), FREE dances are held (donations welcome). Location is:
7465 W. Kidd Island Rd., CdA
Coeurly Q's is a family-oriented group of friendly folks, always happy to meet new dancers. Want to learn more? Contact Donna Seil at 208-772-9802, or email djseil@roadrunner.com.
Varies - $5

Barbershop Quartets
Every Tuesday | 7-9 pm
practices at Bell Tower Funeral Home
3398 E. Jenalan Ave., Post Falls
Lake City Harmonizers welcomes members (men & women) of all ages who like to sing barbershop-style harmony (a cappella) & have fun doing it.
Rehearsals provide an evening of resonant music-making & take place every Tuesday. More info - text or call Bob Thackston at 208-699-0220.
Every Tuesday - Free!

Mah Jongg
**Photo credit - Carol Kelly
Every Mon & Tues | 1-4 pm
"Mah Jongg"
1916 N. Lakewood Dr., CdA
Expert, or "newby", gather to play this rummy-like game played with tiles. Lake City Center charges a minimal fee of $1-2. The game is excellent for the memory. Try it. :-) Questions? Call 208-667-4628.
Every Tuesday | 11 am-3 pm
"Mah Jongg"
1250 W. Lancaster Rd., Post Falls
Stop in - cost varies from $1-3 per visit. First time is FREE!
Every Tuesday | 12:30 pm
"Mah Jongg"
20298 E. Perimeter Rd., Bayview
"Mah Jongg" is similar to the card game, Gin Rummy, but uses Chinese tiles instead of cards. The group is open to experienced players every Tuesday. Tutoring sessions are held when 3-4 people express an interest in learning the basics.
Varies - Free or (Almost)!

Poster credits go to businesses/organizations sponsoring events.